Indie Authors Book Fair
DateAug 10, 2024
Event Starts10:00 AM
Event Details
The Indie Authors Book Fair, hosted by LiteracyNation Inc., is a celebration of independent authors and their remarkable literary creations. Whether you’re an avid reader, a fellow writer, or simply curious about the magic of storytelling, this event promises something for everyone.
Date and Location
Mark your calendars for August 10th! The fair will take place at the Pennsylvania Convention Center (1101 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107). Doors open at 10 am and close at 4 pm.
Activities and Highlights
- Author Exhibits: Wander through the vibrant aisles, where indie authors proudly display their books. From gripping thrillers to heartwarming romances, you’ll find a diverse range of genres.
- Networking Opportunities:
- Author-to-Author Connections: Engage in meaningful conversations with fellow writers. Share experiences, swap tips, and build lasting connections.
- Reader Interactions: Connect with your audience! Readers are eager to meet the faces behind their favorite stories.
- Workshops and Panels:
- Crafting Compelling Characters: Learn from seasoned authors as they delve into character development techniques.
- Marketing Strategies for Indies: Discover effective ways to promote your work without a traditional publishing machine.
- Self-Publishing Success Stories: Hear firsthand accounts of indie authors who’ve conquered the publishing world.
- Story Hours:
- Gather in czy corners for enchanting story readings. Authors will share excerpts from their books, transporting you to different worlds.
- Book Signings:
- Get your copies autographed by the authors themselves. It’s a chance to express your appreciation and connect on a personal level.
- Visitors: Admission is free! All book enthusiasts, readers, and curious minds are welcome to explore the fair without any cost.
- Authors/Vendors: If you’re an author or vendor interested in exhibiting your work, there is a fee of $175. This fee covers your participation and provides you with a space to showcase your books and engage with the attendees.
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